
Hello, and welcome to my blog! I'm not sure exactly what I'll be writing about, but with the project I've been working on for the past 7 months recently announced, I felt compelled to finally start one. Of course, it has taken me almost a week to get my blog up and running - more on that in future blog entries...


Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Elina* is 15, goes to a normal state school, and is probably cleverer than you. And that's official.

I didn't even think about how intelligent - or not - I was until this April. I heard about Mensa on TV and asked my mum if she knew what it was. She told me that it's an organisation that only those in the top 2% of the population, intelligence-wise, can join. She also told me that she's a member. So, just out of interest, I took the test. It was a bit weird - me and about 20 other people in a parish hall.

A girl studying with a large book

There are two different tests and you just have to pass one of them. I passed on the one with shapes.

The other test was with words, which I didn't pass. English isn't my strong point cos I'm Norwegian. I came to England nearly five years ago. I could hardly speak any English then, but now most people can't tell that I'm foreign.

Top 1%

Anyway, turns out my IQ (Intelligence Quotient) is in the top 1%!

I've never felt more intelligent than those around me, cos I never knew I was. One of my friends beats me in every subject, but she got less than me on an online IQ test, which surprised me. So I don't think you can always tell who's the most intelligent - it's not just about grades.

My predicted GCSE grades? Straight A/A*.

“Predicted straight A/A*”


I do get impatient if people don't understand something that I'm explaining. Sometimes in class, especially German (which is really close to Norwegian), when people get a question wrong I just say the answer because I get so impatient. I get told off a lot for that...

Hardly anyone knows that my IQ is in the top 1%. Just a few of my family and friends, but none of my teachers.

Exam stress

exam results

I don't think I'm any different from loads of other people at my school. I do worry a lot about exams and have very high expectations for myself - my mum often has to make me stop studying before an exam and calm me down because I get so stressed. But then loads of people get stressed about exams.

I'm no better than others

I would never, ever think I was 'better' than anyone who isn't as intelligent as me. Even though I do get impatient at times, I also understand that others can't always work as fast as me.

But that doesn't mean I don't respect them - they're probably better than me at something else, like sport and art. I can't draw to save my life! I don't respect them less, because I wouldn't want them to respect me less just because I can't draw.

Am I officially a genius?! I don't know, and I don't really care. But my intelligence is important to me. Everyone has something they are good at, and I'm good at thinking logically. And it's nice to know that's official.

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