
Hello, and welcome to my blog! I'm not sure exactly what I'll be writing about, but with the project I've been working on for the past 7 months recently announced, I felt compelled to finally start one. Of course, it has taken me almost a week to get my blog up and running - more on that in future blog entries...


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

"My friend is bisexual"

Teri's best friend had a secret...

I'd always been quite quiet, but in year 9 things started to change for me. I made loads of new friends outside my tutor group and really opened up.

My friend was bisexual

I was just having a great time, getting up to all sorts and kind of going crazy.

Around that time I made friends with a girl called Ruby. We really hit it off and quickly became best friends.

We felt like we could tell each other everything. It was amazing, having someone that really understood everything I was going through at that time.

But Ruby had a secret...

I was so happy, but I started to feel like my other friends were keeping something from me. A secret that had something to do with Ruby.

“Something was going on”

People would say stuff that I didn't understand or give me and Ruby strange looks when we were out.

"So you and Ruby are getting on well - what's happening there then?" one guy asked when we were out at the park. I didn't have a clue what he was on about.

Whenever someone said stuff like that, Ruby would act really funny. She'd go bright red and tell me not to listen.

I didn't think much of it to be honest.

She got too close...

Me and Ruby had English together and would always sit next to each other. I thought it was cool because we were such good mates.

Sometimes she would sit really really close to me. It was too close, and although I didn't want to hurt her feelings, I found myself shrinking away from her.

This could make her angry. "Why you moving? Have I done something wrong?" She'd ask. Once or twice she'd touch my leg. "Don't be angry," she'd whisper.

I was starting to feel quite uncomfortable around my friend. And I just really wanted to know what was going on.

I decided to go and ask one of my friends about it. "Is anything wrong with Ruby?" I asked.

“I confronted her...”

But they wouldn't tell me. "You'll have to ask her," they said, and moved away.

The next day I built up all my courage and asked her why she was being like this to me.

She went really quiet and red for about 5 minutes while she tried to change the subject. I kept on at her. "What is it?" I said, getting quite angry.

Finally she looked me straight in the face and said, "I'm bisexual and I fancy you'.

I was totally shocked. I don't know why, but I just laughed. It was just so weird.

Ruby looked gutted and ran off. But I didn't run after her. I just didn't know what to say.

I felt so mean...

My friend was bisexual

I felt awful. I couldn't stop thinking about the look on her face and thinking about how much courage it must have taken for her to tell me how she felt.

I knew I didn't want to get involved with Ruby in that way, but I didn't want to lose her as a friend either.

The next day I tracked her down behind the science block.

Everyone had been teasing me about it all day, so I could only imagine what they'd been saying to Ruby.

"I'm sorry about yesterday," I said. Then I explained exactly how I felt. "We're such good friends," I said gently, "But I don't think about you in that way, I'm straight."

“She looked like she might cry...”

"I know," she said sadly. "I think you're amazing, but I know you're not into me in the same way." She looked like she might cry.

"Have you heard what people are saying about us?" she asked. I wouldn't mind if you didn't want to hang out with me."

"Don't be daft," I said, giving her a hug. "You're still my friend!"

We're closer than ever now. And Ruby is actually seeing a guy at the moment.

I've learnt that people have totally different and surprising sides to them, and you should never listen to what idiots at school say. We should love our friends for who they are!

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